curated by Annalisa Rosso
presentation on Thursday June 28th 2018, from 6.30 pm
AMW Architettura
via Assarotti 31 / A, Genoa

Architecture deals with the organization of space, small or large, depending on the people it is destined for, turning the system upside down becomes an interesting exercise. A question of scale. Identifying the human body as the maximum surface of intervention, geographical horizon to design on, responds to the contemporary need to focus on the idea of the individual. Territory to explore and redesign intelligently.
The jewels by Eigenart, unique pieces handcrafted by Valentina Romen, have an architectural vocation. Lines, volumes, light, space management in relation with the context are the founding elements of different collections, which develop through a research that touches contemporary art and design to always arrive, with great consistency, on the development of architectural forms. The new production, presented in the offices of AMW Architettura, wonders about the issue of borders. Ideal and fixed maps applied to the movement of the body in the form of rings, bracelets, necklaces. Drawings that make think of urbanism, the walls of a fortress, the boundaries traced by the human willpower, forcing the continuity of the terrestrial globe. Small bronze monuments with which to mark your personal landscape.