Sharon Fitness, Akiko Kurihara, Gigi Mariani, Alessandra Mancini, Yoshie Nishikawa, Gabriele Scotti, Hongjie Yang
curated by Valentina Romen and Annalisa Rosso
opening Wednesday April 4th from 6 to 9 pm
exhibition from Thursday April 5th to Friday 13th 2018, from 12 to 8 pm
Spazio Sanfermosette
via San Fermo 7, Brera – Milan

The Harvard Spectral Classification Scheme, the modern stellar spectral classifications scheme, was created at the beginning of the last century. The classification sequence groups the celestial bodies in a series of capital letters (O, B, A, F, G, K, M) and in order of decreasing temperatures, from the hottest to the coolest. To remember this scheme scientists suggested a mnemonic phrase “Oh Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me!”
Celestial bodies have always been an object of observation and inspiration for mystics, scientists, travellers, artists and poets. They can be nearby and familiar, or mysterious, totally unknown. Ideally, they generate a symbolic connection between the individual and everything that is, often full of completely personal meanings. For this reason they are collected, exposed, adored and interpreted.